Administrative Extracts

These are the set of report extracts, designed to be run as required, to support organisations in managing the Administration/Configuration of their P2P Activity. The Audience is primarily administrators and auditors.
The following principles apply to the parameter filters for the Administrative transaction extracts:

  • There is no date range as it is a view of how the system is currently configured.
  • Most of the extracts will not deliver excessive amounts of data and most runs of the extracts will not filter data. The reports will deliver the data directly to excel.
  • The major parameter is the administrator’s organisation  and cannot be altered.
  • To design a specific Actuate report the end-user will need to return “less than 200 pages” and therefore the interactive viewer can be enabled. Although very few organisations will have that much configuration data, additional filters are provided such as a name filter or an active-record filter.

The data is intended to be extracted at regular intervals (scheduled by the business) and presented as a table. This layout is intentionally designed to facilitate the Actuate report viewer to manipulate the data in the extract report and desktop tools such as EXCEL.

Master Report Extract Description 
Suppliers An extract of supplier information which assists administrators manage the configuration of their organisational suppliers.
UsersAn extract of User information to assist the administrator in managing the configuration of users in their organisation.
Users Group AssignmentsAn administrative extract of business rule and approval rule groups for which individual users are a member, to assist the administrator in managing the configuration of user rights, roles and permissions.
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