Users Grps
User Group Assignments
An administrative extract of all the users business and approval groups for which the user is a member, to assist the administrator in managing configurations of users and groups.
The data is as extracted at the date of extract and cannot be retrospective.
Report Parameters
Parameter | Description. |
1. Organisation | This will default to the highest level of the buying organisation and will be used to restrict the data extracted. |
2. Active Or InActive | Default is “All”. The report can filter the results to fine Active or Inactive User accounts. |
3. User Name | A string that enables the results to be filtered to users whose name starts with the characters entered. |
Information Columns
User Group Assignments | Derivation |
User Name | The users full name. |
User ID | The user’s internal identifier. |
Active Flag | If the user is active in the system 'Y'. |
Full Parentage | The full path with the organisation tree of the organisational group. This is done by concatenating the identifiers of the parents of the owning group together. E.g., “A.B.C” this allows the filtering/grouping of data into higher levels within the organisation. |
Owning Organisation Key | The internal identifier of the owning organisational group within the buying organisational tree that owns the order. This Identifier will allow the renaming of organisational nodes. |
Owning Organisation Name | The name of the organisational group within the buying organisational tree that owns the Order. |
Selected Business Rule Groups: Key | The Identifier of any Business rule group to which the user is member. |
Selected Business Rule Groups: Name | The name of a business rule group for which they are a member. |
Default Business Rule Group | "Y" if this is the default group for the User. |
Default Account Code | The default Account code from the group. |
Default Tax Treatment | The default Tax treatment for the business rule group. |
Selected Approval Rule Groups: Key | The Identifier of the Approval rule group for which the user is a member. |
Selected Approval Rule Groups: Name | The name of the Approval rule group for which the user is a member. |