Suppliers Extract
This is an extract of supplier information, which assists administrators to manage the configuration of their organisations suppliers. .
The data is as extracted at the date of extract and cannot be retrospective.
This extracts all the suppliers for the buyer organisation that it manages or uses. I.e. Where the owning organisation is either the level 1 (common suppliers) or those owned by the administrators organisation.
The data will be filtered where the start of the supplier name matches the parameter (if entered) else the default is “All”
Report Parameters
Parameter | Description. |
1. Organisation | This will default to the highest level of the buying organisation and will be used to restrict the data extracted. |
2. Active Or InActive | Default is “All”. The report can filter the results to fine Active or Inactive Supplier Records. |
3. Supplier Name | A string that enables the results to be filtered to any Supplier whose name starts with the characters entered. |
Information Columns
Please Note: columns marked with ** contain a value from a limited set of values. The values in these strings used in Pecos Administration will in most cases be the same in the master report, however some of these may vary slightly and the equivalence should be obvious.
Suppliers Extract | Derivation |
Supplier Name | The name of the Supplier Organisation. |
Key | The unique key entered by the users that can be identified in external systems. |
Supplier ID | The Internal Identifier of the supplier record that is also shown on other extracts. |
Active Flag | If the Supplier record is marked for use by a requisitioner. |
Full Parentage | The full path with the organisation tree of the organisational group. This is done by concatenating the identifiers of the parents of the owning group together. E.g., “A.B.C” this allows the filtering/grouping of data into higher levels within the organisation. |
Owning Organisation Key | The internal identifier of the owning organisational group within the buying organisational tree that owns the order. This Identifier will allow the renaming of organisational nodes. |
Owning Organisation Name | The name of the organisational group within the buying organisational tree that owns the Order. |
Supplier Type ** | Used to indicate whether a supplier is · Catalogue Only. · Non-Catalogue Only. · Catalogue and Non-Catalogue. · External Marketplace Only. · External Marketplace with Non-Catalogue. · Approved User-Defined. |
Supplier Number | An organisation’s unique number for this supplier - typically your accounts payable reference number. |
Customer Number | A supplier’s unique number for your organisation - typically the supplier’s sales ledger or customer number for you. This is displayed on all the purchase orders transmitted to this supplier. |
Phone Number | Supplier's Phone Number. |
Fax Number | Supplier's Fax Number. |
eMail Address | The supplier email address. This is used by the PECOS order transmission program if the supplier wishes to receive orders by email. |
Tax/VAT Number | The supplier’s VAT number or other tax identifier. This tax id will default into the supplier’s invoice entry screen. |
DUNS Number | The supplier’s Dun and Bradstreet Number if known. |
Currency | The ISO code of the currency in which the supplier trades. |
Address Name | Suppliers Current Postal Address. |
Address Line 1 | Part of the Suppliers Current Postal Address. |
Address Line 2 | Part of the Suppliers Current Postal Address. |
Address Line 3 | Part of the Suppliers Current Postal Address. |
City | Part of the Suppliers Current Postal Address. |
County/Province | Part of the Suppliers Current Postal Address. |
Post Code | Part of the Suppliers Current Postal Address. |
Country | Part of the Suppliers Current Postal Address. |
Same as Remit Flag | “Y" if the remittance address is the same as the default postal address. |
Remit Address Name | Suppliers Current Remittance Postal Address. |
Remit Address Line 1 | Part of the Suppliers Current Remittance Postal Address. |
Remit Address Line 2 | Part of the Suppliers Current Remittance Postal Address. |
Remit Address Line 3 | Part of the Suppliers Current Remittance Postal Address. |
Remit City | Part of the Suppliers Current Remittance Postal Address. |
Remit County/Province | Part of the Suppliers Current Remittance Postal Address. |
Remit Post Code | Part of the Suppliers Current Remittance Postal Address. |
Remit Country | Part of the Suppliers Current Remittance Postal Address. |
Change Order Format ** | The content of Change Orders transmitted to this supplier: · Send Changed Lines Only: Only lines that have been added or changed will appear on Change Orders sent to the supplier. · Send Changed and Unchanged Lines: All lines on the Change Order will be re-transmitted to the supplier. |
Order Configuration | Order Configuration – This is used if the supplier performs configuration services and their catalogue contains configuration service items. |
PO Terms | The default term will be assigned to every order. |
Payment Method ** | Invoice: User’s may only choose to pay for Orders by invoice. |
Partial Delivery Payment | Yes: This supplier accepts payment for partially shipped orders. After the first invoice has been posted, matched and interfaced for payment the order remains open for additional processing of invoices. |
ERS | Evaluated Receipt Settlement – This will enable the supplier as Self-Billing. |
Order Tolerance % | Order Tolerance Percentage – This is used when the matching program matches line level order values with line level invoice values. It will allow a value to vary by the percentage entered. |
ePCard Tolerance % | ePCard Order tolerance Percentage – This is used when the matching program matches ePCard orders, allowing a value to vary by the percentage entered. |
Invoice Match ** | Invoice Match – Select a method to be used for settling invoices for this supplier. Selecting 2-way or 3-way will override settings in the approval plan. |
No of Payment Terms | The number of payment terms available for this supplier. |
Default Payment Term | The default term will be assigned to every Invoice. |
No of Delivery Terms | The number of delivery terms available for this supplier. |
Default Delivery Terms | The default term will be assigned to every order. |
No of FOB Terms | The number of FOB terms available for this supplier. |
Default FOB Term | The default term will be assigned to every order. |
No of Delivery Methods | The number of delivery methods available for this supplier. |
Default Delivery Method | The default delivery method will be assigned to every order. |
PO Transmission Method ** | Email, Secure Email, EDI, XML or FAX. |
PO Test Transmission Method ** | Email, Secure Email, EDI, XML or FAX. |
Change Order Transmission Method ** | Email, Secure Email, EDI, XML or FAX. |
Cancel Order Transmission Method ** | Email, Secure Email, EDI, XML or FAX. |
PO Attachment Transmission Method ** | Email, Secure Email, EDI, XML or FAX. |
XML Partner Pair | The name of the logical point for transmissions to this supplier. |
Tax URL | An external web address if the supplier maintains Sales Tax tables for use in defining requisition shipping taxes. |
Delivery URL | An external web address if the supplier maintains Delivery Charge tables for use in calculating delivery costs. |
Price URL | An external web address if the supplier maintains real time pricing. |
Availability URL | An external web address if the supplier maintains real time availability. |
Cancel / Change Order Contact Name | Supplier contact detail for Changes to orders. |
Cancel / Change Order Contact eMail | Supplier contact detail for Changes to orders. |
Cancel / Change Order Contact Phone | Supplier contact detail for Changes to orders. |
Cancel / Change Order Contact Fax | Supplier contact detail for Changes to orders. |
PO Change Transmission Override | “Y” if the Change order transmission is allowed to be overridden at execution otherwise “N”. |
RMA Contact Name | Supplier contact detail for Returns process for goods. |
RMA Contact eMail | Supplier contact detail for Returns process for goods. |
RMA Contact Phone | Supplier contact detail for Returns process for goods. |
RMA Contact Fax | Supplier contact detail for Returns process for goods. |
Default Tax Type | The default tax type e.g. VAT to be applied for the supplier. |
Default Tax Treatment | The default rate to be applied to the suppliers Tax Type. |
Supplier Field 1 Name | The Name for the additional data field if configured. |
Supplier Field 1 Value | The Value for the additional data field if configured. |
Supplier Field 2 Name | The Name for the additional data field if configured. |
Supplier Field 2 Value | The Value for the additional data field if configured. |
Supplier Field 3 Name | The Name for the additional data field if configured. |
Supplier Field 3 Value | The Value for the additional data field if configured. |
Supplier Field 4 Name | The Name for the additional data field if configured. |
Supplier Field 4 Value | The Value for the additional data field if configured. |
Supplier Field 5 Name | The Name for the additional data field if configured. |
Supplier Field 5 Value | The Value for the additional data field if configured. |
Supplier Field 6 Name | The Name for the additional data field if configured. |
Supplier Field 6 Value | The Value for the additional data field if configured. |
Supplier Field 7 Name | The Name for the additional data field if configured. |
Supplier Field 7 Value | The Value for the additional data field if configured. |