5.6.2 Document Level Responsibilities
5.6.2 Document Level Responsibilities
Financial Tracking responsibility may be changed at the Requisition Level, Order Level, or at the individual Line Item Level. Depending on where and when these changes are made will affect your requisition differently. Each level is described below:
Requisition Level: Changing Financial Tracking information at the Requisition Level will affect all items on all orders within the entire requisition.
Order Level: Changing Financial Tracking information at the Order Level will override the requisition level default and only affect the individual order and all the items on it.
Line Level: Changing Financial Tracking information at the Line Item Level overrides both the requisition and order level defaults, and affects only that single line item. At line level you are additionally able to split the cost over a maximum of five different account code combinations.
It is important that changes to financial tracking codes and tax treatments are made in the correct order, so as to avoid inadvertently overtyping a previous change.