22.5.1 Available User Options

Last modified by Admin User on 2023/06/30 10:27

The following Dynamic Options are currently available to be assigned at user level:

  • Actuate Business Reports User

This option enables users to be given access to P2P Reports which must have been installed as a value added option to your PECOS P2P site. The option must be set within the user profile. An additional application component will be displayed in the top tabs when it is assigned.

Option Value: Enter the report server name, provided by Client Services, for all users who are to have access to P2P Reports.

  • Admin Default Home tab

This option defines the default screen that opens when an Administrator navigates to the P2P Admin tab (i.e. this will be the ‘landing page’).

Option Value: Select one of the administration main menu options from the list box.

  • Audit Log Purge Allowed

True: The "Purge Records" section appears at the bottom of the Administration Transaction Audit Log page, allowing the logged records of administrative actions to be erased. This affects the log only, not functionality.

False (default): The "Purge Records" section does not appear at the bottom of the Audit Log page, and logged records cannot be erased.

Note: If the setting is False for a child organisation but True for a parent organisation, a parent administrator can still purge the child organisation's records. The dynamic option only restricts the purging of records for administrators of the organisations specified when the option is set.

  • Custom Home Page

Option Value: A file reference and name must be entered here. The default is ‘empty’ which will display the standard PECOS P2P home page and any user defined homepage view will override this organisation assignment. The Custom Home Page option allows you to specify a custom home frame which can be either an absolute URL - e.g. http://www.elcom.com - or a relative URL for a file hosted on the PECOS server (e.g. myHomePage.html). In the case of the latter, the file must be configured and loaded by Elcom Support.

  • Default Account Display

This selection controls the default display of financial tracking information. Select from a drop down box:
Codes (default): Displays account codes (segment value) only.
Codes – Descriptions: Displays account codes and names (segment value and description).
Descriptions: Displays account code name (segment description) only.
Users can override this default during their session but the defaults are reset on next login.

  • Delivery Note Image

Option Value: A file reference and name, supplied by Elcom Support, must be entered here. Default is ‘empty’.

This option allows you to specify a file name for the image that will appear on the upper-left corner of the Delivery Note print for this user. A PECOS P2P image displays as a default.

  • Direct Item Entry

This option controls the display of the Direct Item Entry fields at the foot of the Shopping Cart screen.
True (default): The Direct Item Entry fields are displayed, allowing the requisitioner to add a catalogue item directly onto the shopping cart by entering a quantity, item number and an optional supplier id.
False: The Direct Item Entry fields are hidden.

  • Display PO Signature Box

True: A box labelled "Authorised Signature" appears below the item table on the purchase order.

False (default): The Signature Box does not appear.

  • Display Requisition Submit Button  

True (default): A submit button appears on the Requisition page, allowing a requisition to be sent directly from that page rather than the forcing the extra step through the Requisition Review page.

False: No submit button appears on the Requisition, so users must submit requisitions from the Requisition Review page.

  • Display Supplier Lookup Button

True: A "supplier lookup" button appears (replacing the drop down list) on the Add Non-catalogue Item page. The button launches a new window for a supplier search.

False (default): The "supplier lookup" button does not appear, and suppliers are chosen from a drop-down list.

  • Enable Content Management
    True: For customers who implement the PECOS Catalogue Content Management solution, this will display the Content Management tab for direct access.
    False (default): The Content Management tab is not displayed.
  • Enable eInvoicing

True: For customers who implement the PECOS eInvoicing solution, this will display the eInvoicing tab for the configuration of direct sign on.

False (default): The eInvoicing tab is not displayed.

  • Enable eSourcing 

True: For customers who implement the PECOS eSourcing solution, this will display the eSourcing tab for the configuration of direct sign on.

False (default): The eSourcing tab is not displayed.

  • Enable Price Quoting

True: Price Quote functionality is enabled for the user. The system will override the organisational setting.

False: Price Quote functionality is not enabled for this user.

  • Grid Control Search Limit

Option Value: This numerical value determines the number of results returned by the following searches within the Admin system. The default is ‘empty’ and 200 codes will display in search results.

Audit Log page:

Search results

Business Rule Group page:

Available Catalogue list
Available Member list
Available Procurement Cards list
Available Account Codes

Approval Rule Group page:

Available Account Codes
Available Users

  • Navigational Toolbar Graphic

Option Value: A file reference and name, supplied by Elcom Support, must be entered here. Default is ‘empty’.

This option controls the graphic appearing in the top PECOS tabs bar. By creating a Navigational Toolbar Graphic you are able to ‘badge’ your procurement system with a name of your own.

Note. You must specify the filename of the Graphics in conjunction with your Elcom consultant. A file will be created and placed on the PECOS server. This file name must be used in the Option Value field. When the Option Value field is empty (the default), Elcom's own default graphic will display.

  • Order price check user field

This option must be completed when PECOS P2P is connected to an external catalogue system for which real time price checking is to be utilised and when the price check is to be performed within a purchase order approval plan. An order type Document User Field must first be created to hold the result of the price check.

Option Value: Enter the order Document User Field KEY which has been created to hold the result of the price check.

  • Override Insert Product Category Codes

This option will only have effect if the system option ‘Insert Product Category Codes’ is set to ‘False with Override’, and therefore allows the site setting to be overridden. The System Option setting (i.e. ‘false’) prevents the entry of product category codes through the category maintenance screen and also the catalogue load.

True: The system option is overridden and inserting a new top level category or new sub category in the Category Information screen within Category Maintenance is allowed. The blocking of the entry of new category codes through catalogue load is not overridden by this setting.

False (default): The system option is not overridden and inserting a new top level category or new sub category in the Category Information screen within Category Maintenance is not allowed.

Note that this option is also available at the organisation level.

  • Purchase Order Image

Option Value: A file reference and name, supplied by Elcom Support, must be entered here. Default is ‘empty’.

This option allows you to specify a file name for the image that will appear on the upper-left corner of purchase orders for your organisation. A PECOS P2P image displays as a default.

  • Purchase Order Resend

A button can be made available in the Purchase Order Status Summary screen for users to retransmit the purchase order and external attachments, when the order is at the status ‘Order transmitted to supplier’ or ‘Transmission failure’.

True: The resend PO button appears in the Purchase Order Status Summary screen.

False (Default): The resend PO button does not appear in the Purchase Order Status Summary screen.

  • Purchase Order Terms

Option Value: A file reference and name, supplied by Elcom Support, must be entered here. Default is ‘empty’.

This option allows you to specify a file name for an html file containing the terms and conditions that will appear either at the bottom of or sent with, purchase orders for your organisation.

  • Purchase Order Terms Type

This is used in conjunction with the ‘Purchase Order Terms’ Dynamic Option.

Attachment: PO Terms will be sent as a separate file attachment to the purchase order.

Inline: PO Terms will be added to the foot of the purchase order.

  • Require Category Assignment for Non-catalogue Items

True: When adding a non-catalogue item to a requisition, the user must select level 1 and level 2 category codes for the item.

False (default): Category assignments are not required for non-catalogue items.

  • Requisition price check user field

This option must be completed when PECOS P2P is connected to an external catalogue system for which real time price checking is to be utilised and when the price check is to be performed within a requisition approval plan. A requisition type Document User Field must first be created to hold the result of the price check.

Option Value: Enter the requisition Document User Field KEY which has been created to hold the result of the price check.

  • Short Pay

True (Default): The invoice entry page will display the ‘Short Pay’ check box to enable to user to edit the ‘Payment Amount’.

False: The ‘Short Pay’ checkbox will be removed from the invoice entry page and the user will not be able to edit the ‘Payment Amount’.

  • Supplier Drop Down List Threshold

This option allows you to limit the number of supplier names that appear in the drop down selection box in the ‘Add Non-Catalogue Item’ requisition screen, for the selection of an existing supplier.
If this option is selected and a value entered, a drop down selection box will appear next to a supplier lookup button in the ‘Add Non-Catalogue Item’ requisition screen.

Option Value: Enter the number of suppliers that you want to be displayed.

If the number of available suppliers is less than or equal to the threshold number entered here, the drop down list will display ALL suppliers.

Note: If the value entered is 0 (zero), the drop down selection box will be removed from display. This option can therefore be used with the ‘Display Supplier Lookup Button’ dynamic option (i.e. set to true) to replace the drop down box with a search button.

  • User Entered PCards Allowed

True: This allows users to define a procurement card when entering billing information for a requisition or an order. Procurement card entry fields are displayed in the delivery and invoicing screens.

False (default): Users can only select from pre-defined procurement cards when entering billing information for a requisition or order.

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