22.1 Search User

Last modified by Admin User on 2023/06/30 10:27

If assigning permissions to users at a later date, navigate to the Users > Profile tab to open the user Profile screen. Retrieve a user by clicking Search and selecting the user from the search results.

The following fields may be used to refine the user search:

  • A partial value may be entered in the User Name. The system will find all user names that contain the text entered – the search is not case sensitive.
  • A partial value may be entered in the User ID. The system will find all user ids that contain the text entered – the search is not case sensitive.
  • Select an Organisation. The system will find all users who belong to the organisation selected.
  • Active / Inactive User flag. The system will return results for users who are either active or inactive. This can be used in addition to partial values provided for the user name or id.

When a user profile is selected, additional buttons at the top of the screen become available for assigning permissions to the user.

fig 22.2 User profile buttons.png

The User Profile Buttons are:

  • Buy-for Users – this button allows you to assign individuals or organisations for whom the user can purchase on behalf of.
  • Procurement Cards – this screen allows you to assign Procurement cards at the individual user level. These are known as ‘User’ assigned cards.
  • Groups and Roles – this screen allows you to assign users to Business and Approval Rule Groups and set a user's default account code. A box also displays all the Approval Roles this user is assigned to.
  • Access Level - this screen allows you to set user's level of access for Orders and Receipts.
  • Dynamic Options – this screen allows you to select customised screen-appearance settings for the user.
  • Approval Delegation – this allows you to delegate this user’s approval responsibilities to another user.
  • Search Preferences - this allows you to select whether all items or only preferred items are displayed in catalogue search results.
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