22.8 Access Level

Last modified by Admin User on 2023/06/30 10:27

The Access Level screen contains  the user's 'Order Access Level', the 'Receipt Access Level' and 'Receipt/Return Own Orders' permission. 

Order Access

Use the Order Access Level to specify whether this user can view and access other users’ orders based on their organisation level access. This selection affects:

  • The options available as search options in the Status Search page.
  • The organisations available for reporting.
  • The orders for which financial matching can be performed.
  • The users available for Approval Delegation.

The default selection is ‘Individual’ which enables the user to access only requisitions and orders which they own (i.e. for which they are the requisitioner).

To change the user’s order access permissions:

  1. On the User Information page of the User Profile screen search for the user.
  2. Click Access Level. A sub-window appears with the heading Access Level for <username>.
  3. In the ‘Order Access Level’ drop down box, select the organisation level you want the user to have document access permissions for. Note that the content of the drop down box is limited to an organisational ‘branch’ derived from the organisation level assigned to the user profile.

The user will be able to see and search for all orders for all users within the selected organisation level and below.
The Order Access Level also defines the users available to approvers who are able to delegate approval authority. All users who belong to the Order Access organisation level will be available for selection as delegatees for approval purposes. 

Receipt Access

The Receipt Access Level will determine those orders for which the user is allowed to process receipts. All orders which are assigned to users who belong to the permitted organisation(s) will display the 'Receipt' button in the Purchase Order Status Summary screen and the Receipt icon in the document search results screen. The Receipt Access Level will not determine what orders are returned in document searches: this will continue to be determined only by the Order Access Level see (above).
It is possible to assign the user access to their own orders only or to multiple users:

  • Individual. Selecting 'Individual' will ensure a user will only be able to receive their own orders. The permission will allow a user to not only receive all orders for which they are the Requisitioner; but also all orders for which they are the Buy-For User.
  • Organisation. Select an organisation from the list box. The user will be able to receive all orders for all users within the selected organisation level and below, in addition to their 'Individual' associated orders for which they have Requisitioner or Buy-For permission.

Receipt Access is subordinate to Order Access and the available organisation levels available for Receipt Access will be determined by the User's Order Access Level (i.e. only organisations permitted by the User's Order Access will be available for Receipt Access selection). Permission may therefore be restricted and not increased: Receipt Access Level will either be the same as or less than the Order Access Level.

Receipt / Return Own Orders

An organisation's receipting policy may contain segregation of duty protocols and require that requisitioners are not allowed to receive their own orders. This profile setting, linked to the receipt access level, ensures that a user cannot process receipts or returns against their own orders.
The option is controlled by two check boxes to allow or disallow the user from receiving or returning goods and services that were requisitioned by themselves: 

  • Yes (default). The user is able to receive or return their own orders.
  • No. The user is unable to receive or return their own orders:
    • The Receipt Action icon will be hidden in the Document Search Results screen.
    • The Receipt button will be removed from the Purchase Order Status Summary screen.
    • The Return Items button is removed from the Purchase Order Status Summary screen.

The permission does not affect a requisitioner's rights to view their own orders or manage them in any other way.
The permission only affects receiving through the Document Search and does not affect the Receipt Workflow process. A user who cannot receive their own orders may still be the owner of a task that routes a receipt, or may receive a receipt into their To Do list for an order for which they are the requisitioner.

Organisation Level Changes

Users frequently change departments and are moved around the PECOS P2P organisational hierarchy. When they do so, it is necessary to ensure they retain the same access rights unless they are specifically changed. When a user profile is edited and the user placed into a different organisation, where necessary, the system makes a logical change to the user's Order Access Level. Validation is applied to ensure that the user's access permissions do not exceed that which was granted prior to the organisational move.

All changes are within existing validation rules: the Receipt/Return Access Level will always be either the same or below (i.e. subordinate) to the Order Access Level. If an Access Level is set to 'Individual' then no change is made in any circumstance.

The following rules will be applied  to organisationally based Access Levels when a user's organisation is changed:

From Org

To Org

Order Access

Receipt Access


L5 - Down Same Branch

No Change (i.e. same L3)

No Change (i.e. same L3)


L3 - Up Same Branch

Change to 'Individual'

Change to 'Individual'


L3 - Across Same Branch

Change to new L3

Change to new L3


L3 - Across Different Branch

Change to new L3

Change to new L3


L5 - Down Different Branch

Change to new L3

Change to new L3


L3 - Up Different Branch

Change to 'Individual'

Change to 'Individual'

Note. The same 'branch' of an organisation refers to remaining within the same hierarchical family - retaining similar subordinate or superior parent organisation(s).

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