16.6 Receipt Approval

Last modified by Admin User on 2023/06/30 10:27

Receipt approval is the process whereby the receipt object (GRN) is routed for multi-stage receipting or quantitative or qualitative review. In addition to workflow routing, receipt and delivery note prints are available to complement and assist secondary or internal delivery processes employed by different organisations.

Listed below are a number of usage scenarios for Receipt Workflow:

  • Two stage receipting. When goods are received into a central warehouse or depot, it is now possible to have the onward delivery to the end user confirmed and audited. A Receipt workflow plan can be created with a task, configured with appropriate eMail text and audit messages, to route any receipt for the attention of the buy-for user or requisitioner. The task owner is able to confirm receipt, add an appropriate comment and optionally be allowed to update the receipt details. 
  • Delivery discrepancies for quality. When goods are received, by a third party or central depot, and those goods are damaged in some way, it is possible to quarantine and flag the delivery for review. A Receipt workflow plan can be created with a task, configured with appropriate eMail text and audit messages, to route the receipt for the attention of an appropriate, responsible person. The task owner is therefore prompted to undertake the necessary quality checks, optionally liaise with the supplier and process a return. The receipt is updated with confirmation that the quality check is complete and appropriate comments may be appended to the receipt. 
  • Delivery discrepancies for quantity. When goods are received, possibly by a third party or central depot, and there is a discrepancy between the quantity received and quantity ordered, it is possible to identify the discrepancy for notification and review. A Receipt workflow plan can be created with a task, configured with appropriate eMail text and audit messages, to route the receipt for the attention of the requisitioner. The requisitioner is prompted to undertake the necessary review, optionally liaise with the supplier or process a change order. The receipt is updated with confirmation that the quantity check is complete and appropriate comments may be appended to the receipt.
  • Inspection process. When specialist electrical, computer or scientific equipment is received requiring an inspection or asset tagging process to be undertaken, Receipt workflow plan can be created with a task, configured with appropriate eMail text and audit messages, to route the receipt for the attention of the appropriately qualified or certified personnel.
  • Service performance confirmation. When services are receipted centrally by a commodity or finance manager, possibly upon receipt of a scheduled or stage confirmation notice, it is possible to request approval of service performance (e.g. annual alarm maintenance) by the local recipient of that service (e.g. branch or department managers) prior to receipt of invoice or payment. A Receipt workflow plan (or sub plan) can be created with a task, configured with appropriate eMail text and audit messages, to route the receipt of a contract order for the attention of the service recipients (e.g. branch managers). The service recipients are prompted to review the receipt and confirm service performance. The receipt is either approved or amended with comments as necessary and when the step is completed by all task owners, finance receives a notification email to confirm payment approval.
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