12.4 Maintaining a Supplier

Last modified by Admin User on 2023/06/30 10:27

  1. Click the Suppliers > Profile tab to open the Supplier Profile screen.
  2. Optionally enter a partial value in Name, Key or Short Name fields to refine your search.

If a partial value is not inserted to refine the search, results are limited to 100 records which are randomly selected.

  1. Optionally select an Active Supplier flag of ‘No’ to search for suppliers that have been deactivated.
  2. Click the Search button.
  3. Select the supplier profile to edit from the search results window. Notice that PECOS P2P displays the organisational assignment of this supplier profile at the top of the Supplier Information page.
  4. Make your changes.
  5. To deactivate a supplier profile, click the Active Supplier: ‘No’ radio button.
  6. To save changes for this supplier profile click the Update button at the top of the supplier profile page.
  7. To create a copy of this supplier, click on the Organisation button and select a different Organisation level assignment. Notice that PECOS P2P now displays a different organisational assignment of this supplier profile at the top of the Supplier Information page. Click the Update button at the top of the supplier profile page.

Deactivating a Supplier Profile

Deactivated suppliers are removed from view within the procurement area of the application to prevent user’s from creating new requisitions. Deactivated suppliers are however available in the Status Search screen for accessing historic documents and deactivation does not affect requisitions and purchase orders within the approval process. They will always remain available within the supplier profile screen for reactivation.

Deleting a Supplier Profile

To delete a supplier profile, click the Delete View button. PECOS P2P will display a warning message prior to removing the profile. Click OK to continue. Deleted profiles are permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.

The supplier profile saved to the top level of your organisation (the original profile) cannot be deleted.

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