12.2.7 Transmission Information

Last modified by Admin User on 2023/06/30 10:27

This screen is used to configure the Document Transmission methods for the supplier.

Fig12.9 - Supplier Transmission Info.png

Document Transmission Types

  • Purchase Orders. Select the method for the Original Purchase Order to be transmitted.
  • Purchase Orders (Test): Optionally select an additional order transmission method for test purposes. (The default is None.) For example, if the ‘Purchase Order’ transmission method is XML (the desired transmission method for all live orders), it may not be possible to complete the advanced connections in time for testing. By setting this test transmission method to eMail, for example, the system would create two types of output during PO Export. A copy of the purchase order will be sent via eMail.
  • Change Orders: Select the method for all Change orders to be transmitted. Note that the eMail addresses used are those defined in the Purchase Order Change / Cancellation Contact in the Contact Information screen.
  • Purchase Order Cancellations: Select the method for all Cancelled orders to be transmitted. Note that the eMail addresses used are those defined in the Purchase Order Change / Cancellation Contact in the Contact Information screen.
  • Purchase Order Attachments: Select Email as the method for order attachments to be transmitted. Note that XML transmission is currently not supported for attachments, irrespective of the means by which the purchase order is transmitted.
  • Price Quote: Select the method for all Price Quote notifications (invitations, retractions and award rejection) to be transmitted. When price Quoting is enabled completing this option is mandatory. The transmitted destination of these Price Quote notifications will be defined by the Price Quote Contact in the Contact Information screen and NOT the email address defined in the supplier Information screen.

Transmission Methods

The different transmission method options are explained below:

  • eMail: Document is sent as an attachment to the eMail address specified either in the Supplier Info or Contacts screen. All order documents are sent in .pdf format.
  • Secure eMail: Document is to be encrypted and sent to the eMail address specified in the Supplier Info or Contacts screen. This will only be available if the dynamic option ‘show secure eMail option’ is set. The supplier must provide a digital certificate. (See ‘Secure eMail’ below)
  • XML: Document is sent using XML.

Order Information

  • XML Partner Pair – This will be completed by Elcom Technical Services if this supplier chooses to receive orders by XML.
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