12.2:15 PEPPOL Identifiers Supplier
PEPPOL (Pan-European Public Procurement Online) is a description of a set of business processes and the messages that are interchanged. These messages have formatted content rules and a technical infrastructure that distributes them. PECOS has gateways to receive and send electronic transaction messages in XML, which are then mapped to either cXML or UBL for transmission. Inbound invoices can be sent in either cXML or UBL to be submitted to PECOS’s inbound gateway.
Additional detail about the PEPPOL policy and guidelines for use within the PEPPOL network can be found at http://www.peppol.eu.//
PEPPOL Identifiers for _purchase order and invoice messages_, are provided for use when integrating with the Elcom PEPPOL Access Point. When these settings are also defined at organisation level in Organisation Settings, the Supplier defined settings will override these organisation defaults. The following fields are available:
- Identifier Value (mandatory): Enter a string which adheres to the current PEPPOL constrains (e.g. ISO15459).
- Scheme (mandatory): Select a Scheme ID from a list box. Note that no organisation may have two identifiers for the same Scheme and will be validated upon being added. The following non-normative versions of selected Issuing Agency code values are provided (Scheme Agency Names in brackets):
- DK:CPR (Danish Ministry of the Interior and Health)
- DK:CVR (Danish Commerce and Companies Agency)
- DK: P (Danish Chamber of Commerce)
- DK:SE (Danish Ministry of Taxation, Central Customs and Tax Administration)
- DK:TELEFON (Danish Telephone)
- DUNS (Dun and Bradstreet Ltd)
- FI:ORGNR (Finish National Board of Taxes (Verohallitus))
- GLN (GS1)
- IBAN (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication - S.W.I.F.T)
- IS:KT (Icelandic National Registry)
- IS:VSKNR (Icelandic VAT Number)
- ISO: (International Standards Agency)
- NO:EFO (Norwegian Electrical Association)
- NO:NOBB (Norwegian Trade Database)
- NO:NODI (Norwegian Data Intechange)
- NO:ORGNR (Norwegian Agency for Public Registers: Enhetsregisteret ved Bronnoysundregisterne)
- NO:VAT (Norwegian Agency for Public Registers: Enhetsregisteret ved Bronnoysundregisterne)
- SE:ORGNR (Swedish National Tax Board)
- SE:VAT (Swedish VAT Number)
- ZZZ = Unknown issuer agency
- Issuing Agency: Enter the Issuing Agency numeric code which adheres to the current PEPPOL constrains (e.g. ISO6523).
- ISO Scheme Number: Enter the PEPPOL identifier scheme for the list of Issuing Agencies (e.g. iso6523-actorid-upis).
- Use as e-Identifier (mandatory - default is 'No'): only one identifier may be set as the default for XML transmission.