15.2.5 VAT Treatment

Last modified by Admin User on 2023/06/30 10:26

In the VAT Treatment window, you can assign VAT Treatments to your Business Rule Group. Only assign a VAT Treatment to a Business Rule group that is also to be used as a Default Group and therefore has an Account Code Combination also defined within it. Any default VAT Treatment set within a Business Rule Group that is not also defined as a user’s default group will not be recognised as a default override for the user. In this way PECOS P2P ensures that a user is only assigned to a single VAT Treatment default.

Any order raised by a user who has this group set as their default group, will then be assigned this tax type by default. This will override any defaults set for the organisation as a whole but will not override any defaults which may have been set up linking the tax type to the commodity code of the chosen item.

  1. On the Business Rule Group page, click Search: a partial value may be entered in the Group Name field to refine your search.
  2. In the list of search results click Select against the one you want to update or edit.
  3. Click the VAT Treatment button to open the VAT Treatment window.
    Fig 14.7 - Business rule group default VAT treatment.png
  4. Select the VAT Treatment you wish to assign to this BRG from the list box. (As a prerequisite, Tax Treatments must have been created.)
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