15.2.8 Non-Catalogue Business Rule Group

Last modified by Admin User on 2023/06/30 10:26

A Business Rule Group can be created to grant user permission to access a list of suppliers that have been created for the purpose of Non-Catalogue item ordering only. Detailed below are the steps that should be followed to create this type of group. At each step, it may be necessary to refer to the appropriate section of this guide for more detailed setup instructions. Navigation tips are shown in brackets.

  1. Create all suppliers with the Supplier Type of ‘Non-Catalogue’ (see Adding a Supplier).
  2. PECOS P2P will automatically create a Catalogue Key. The Key will be in the format: “Supplier Name_N”. There is no need therefore to manually create a Catalogue.
  3. Create a Catalogue Collection (see Catalogues > Catalogue Collections). Use an appropriate naming convention to clearly identify this Collection as a collection of Non-Catalogue suppliers.
  4. Assign the Catalogue Key automatically created to the Collection created in 3 above (see Catalogue Key). Scroll through the Existing Catalogues listing until you find your supplier Catalogue Key in the format described in 2 above. Click on the Key and assign it to your Collection which will be found in the Available Catalogue Collections window.
  5. Create a Business Rule Group (see Creating and Editing Business Rule Groups). Use an appropriate naming convention to clearly identify this group as containing your Non-Catalogue supplier Collection.
  6. Assign your Non-Catalogue Collection in the Catalogues sub-window of the BRG (see Creating and Editing Business Rule Groups).
  7. Assign the Business Rule Group to appropriate users in the Membership sub windows of the BRG (see Creating and Editing Business Rule Groups).
  8. All users to whom this non-catalogue BRG has been assigned, will now be able to see the list of non-catalogue suppliers in the Existing Supplier drop down box in the add non-catalogue item screen of the requisition.

Note. The list of non-catalogue suppliers viewed in the ‘add non catalogue item’ screen will be in addition to the catalogue suppliers the user has permissions to see.

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