19.1.3  Approval Plan Assignment

Last modified by Admin User on 2023/06/30 10:26

In the Plan Assignment sub-window, you must specify the Approval Plan(s) associated with your approval rule group.

Each group can only have one plan of each type assigned:

  • One Requisition Plan
  • One Purchase Order Plan
  • One Change Order Plan
  • One Receipt Plan
  • One Invoice Settlement Plan
  1. Search for your Approval Rule Group.
  2. In the Approval Rule Group screen click the Plan button to open the Plan Assignment window.
    fig 19.5.png
  3. All available and unassigned plans are displayed in the Available Plans window.
  4. Click on the plan you want assign to move it to the Selected Plans window. Note that you may only assign one plan of each type.
  5. To reverse assignment and move a plan out of the Selected Plans window, simply click on it. It will move back to the Available Plans window.
  6. Click Update to save changes.
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