Tax Treatment (VAT Code)

Last modified by Admin User on 2023/06/30 10:26

Tax Treatment (VAT Code) Default

Tax Codes can be defaulted to a user in a number of ways, to enable the automatic application of Tax Treatments to line items.

  1. Organisation. A default rate is assigned to the top level Organisation (see Organisational Maintenance > Organisation Settings). Category Classification or Business Rule Group default rates do not need to be available.
  2. Supplier. A default rate is assigned to the supplier profile (see Suppliers).
  3. User Profile. A default rate is assigned as part of a user’s Default Business Rule Group membership (see Business Rule Groups). Category Classification default rates do not need to be available.
  4. Category Code. A default rate is assigned based on the Category Classification (Commodity/UNSPSC) Code associated with a line item (see Product Category Codes).

A user may be allowed to manually override the default Tax Code if permission is granted through their user profile (see Users). Tax codes can further be overridden at the time of invoice entry.

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