Create a User

Last modified by Admin User on 2023/06/30 10:26

Create a User

1. Obtain the user’s configurable details including: name, department, user id, email address, phone number and default delivery address.YOutside PECOSData Gathering Sheet
2. Define the user’s roles and permissions, including: requisition, receipting and invoicing rights;    accounting access (including a default account code combination); catalogue access and approval process.YOutside PECOSData Gathering Sheet

3. Check / Create Organisation

(ie the organisation to which the user belongs)

NCompany > Organisation Maintenance
4. Check /    Create Procurement Card(s)NCompany > Procurement Cards
5. Check /    Create Business Rule Group(s)NBusiness Rules > Business Rule Groups.

Financial Tracking Codes loaded

Catalogue Collections created

6. Check /    Create Approval Rule GroupNApproval Rules > Approval Rule GroupsApproval Plan(s) created
7. Complete User Information screenY

Users > Profile > User Information

User data obtained (1)

User roles defined (2)

Organisation created (3)

8. Select or create Default Delivery AddressY

Users > Profile > User Information

Default identified (1)
9. Add User InformationY

Add User

All mandatory User Information is entered (7)
10.  Assign Buy-For User(s)N

Users > Profile > Buy-For Users

Buy-for User’s user profile(s) created
11. Assign Procurement Card(s)N

Users > Profile > Procurement Cards

Procurement Card(s) created (4)
12.  Assign to Business Rule Group(s)Y

Users > Profile > Groups and Roles

Business Rule Groups created (5)
13. Set Default Account CodeY

Users > Profile > Groups and Roles

Default Business Rule Group created and assigned (5 & 11)
14.  Set Order and Receipt Access LevelsY

Users > Profile > Access Level

Options identified (1 & 2)
15.  Assign Approval Rule GroupY

Users > Profile > Groups and Roles

Approval Rule Group created (6)
16.  Set Dynamic OptionsN

Users > Profile > Dynamic Options

Options identified (1 & 2)
17.  Set Search PreferencesN

Users > Profile > Search Preferences

Options identified (1 & 2)
18.  Set Approval DelegationN

Users > Profile > Approval Delegation

Options identified (1 & 2)

*M = Mandatory for this primary task. Y= Yes, N= No

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