The view PO function enables you to view and print a copy of the purchase order that was sent to the supplier.

In order to access the Purchase Order the order status must be at least “Order transmitted to supplier”. No purchase order is available for viewing until your requisition and/or orders have been fully approved and transmitted.

Initial order transmission is preformed electronically by one of four methods chosen by your supplier: eMail, secure eMail, Fax or XML.

Note therefore, that when an order is viewed or printed within the view PO screen it will be notated with the words: * Confirming Order – Do Not Duplicate *. These words would not have been attached to the original order but must appear on all copies and re-prints to ensure that goods and services are not duplicated by the recipient of a copy document.

PECOSADOBEPDFIcon.png The order is viewed as a PDF document that is read using Adobe Acrobat Reader. The order is viewed in the same way when opened in PECOS and you must have a copy of Adobe Reader available to you locally.

A copy of the latest version of Adobe Reader can be downloaded from: or by contacting your local IT Help Desk.

To access the View PO screen:

  1. Click the Documents tab to open the Document Search screen.
  2. Enter appropriate search criteria to find the order you wish to view and click the search button. The Search Results page will open.
  3. Click the purchase order number of the order you want to view to open the Purchase Order Status Summary page.
  4. Click on the view PO button at the top of the page. The purchase order will open as a .pdf file in a separate window.
  5. PECOSPrintIcon.png The order can be printed by clicking on the print icon in your application toolbar.
  6. To close the order click on the close button X in the top right hand corner of the window.

8.6.1 Purchase Order Content
8.6.2 Purchase Order Examples

Created by Admin User on 2023/06/30 10:27
© Elcom Systems Ltd 2025