4. Non-Catalogue Items
Last modified by Admin User on 2023/06/30 10:27
If you cannot locate the item or service you need in your hosted or punch out catalogues, you can add it to your shopping basket as a free text or ‘non-catalogue item’.
There are a number of reasons why you may need to add a non-catalogue item including:
- A supplier catalogue for this item is not available to you
- A recently contracted supplier has not yet provided an electronic catalogue
- A new, recently introduced product is not yet in the supplier’s catalogue
- The need to add a bespoke or specialised item or service
- You require a new product to be sourced by the procurement team
- The item requires ‘Amount Based Settlement’
- This might be your organisation’s preferred means of creating requisitions (i.e. you do not use catalogues)
All that is required to place an order for a non-catalogue item is a description of the item or service needed, however the more information you provide, the faster your request will be completed and approved by your purchasing department. Note that adding a non-catalogue item is a user permission granted by your system administrator.
4.1 Adding Non-Catalogue Items
4.2 User Defined Suppliers
4.3 Editing a Non Catalogue Item
4.4 Approving Non Catalogue Items
4.5 Unknown Suppliers