3:10 Search Results
When you use any of the PECOS P2P search methods to search for internally hosted catalogue content, your search results will be returned in a Search Results screen. Search results will contain items that match the criteria used: the Left Navigation Panel and Search Parameter sections will automatically collapse.
You can optionally filter results (see Search Filter) to refine your search and reduce the number of returned items.
If the number of items matching your search criteria is greater than 500, PECOS P2P will display the first 500 items that are best matched by the search algorithm.
The search results message displayed will also include the total number of results that were matched when the number of items matched exceeds 500. For example, for a catalogue containing 1569 items in total and a search that results in more than 500 search hits: “Search matched 1569 items. Displaying results 1 to 20 of first 500.”
- The Search Results screen will display 20 items per page, sorted (by default) first by preferred items and then from lowest to highest price.
- Page controls appear at the top and bottom of the screen, displaying the number of pages of search results that have been returned. To view the next page of 20 items, click the ‘next page’ arrow icon. On subsequent pages a ‘previous page’ arrow icon will appear allowing you to return to the previous page. The page controls will also allow you to skip to the last or back to the first page of results.
- Search results can be sorted by clicking on the column headings. PECOS P2P will sort either alphabetically or numerically and will alternate the order from ascending to descending sequence each time you click on the column header.
- Each item is displayed on a separate row, containing the following columns:
- Item No - the supplier's unique product ID / sku code.
- Mfr No. - the manufacturer's product ID (optional).
- Manufacturer - the name of the manufacturer (optional).
- Supplier - the name of the supplier.
- Item Type - the source of the item (e.g. Catalogue, Non-Catalogue or PunchOut).
- Item Description - the short description for the item.
- GHS - the UN GHS Hazard pictogram, representing the GHS Hazard associated to the item.
- Price - the price per unit of measure, including currency code.
- UOM - the unit of measure for the item. This is the UOM in which the item is sold and will be delivered. The full description of the UOM code is displayed.
- Pack Size - the unit of measure quantity (UOMQ) for the item. This is the quantity of unit of measure unit contained in the sales unit of measure. If the item is sold in the unit of measure of a Box and there are 8 (UOMQ) Eaches (UOMQU) in a box, the Pack size will display as 8 (i.e. there are 8 in a box). If a UOMQ is not provided for the item this will display as 1.
- Unit Price - the calculated unit price for an item based on its Unit of Measure Quantity. Displayed with the currency and the Unit of Measure Quantity Unit (see below).
- Preferred Item - the preference indicator for the item (see below).
- If you wish to add an item to your current shopping basket click in the Qty box to the left of the item, enter the required quantity and click the Add button. More than one item can be selected and added at once.
Be careful when adding multiple items. If you enter quantities and then use the page controls to skip to the next page of results without clicking the add button, those quantities will be lost and will not be added to your shopping basket. - Occasionally you may not find any matches for your search criteria. If this happens PECOS P2P will display ‘No Results Found’ and you will need to return and enter new search criteria.
3.10.1 Preferred Items
Search Preferences allow a 'preferred flag' to be set to determine how items are displayed in search results in order for requisitioners to make a more informed procurement decision. Suppliers, whole catalogues or individual items can be set as preferred by system administrators.
By default, preferences are based on a number ranking from 1 to 10 with the ID's being associated to an icon and displayed in search results in numerical order (i.e. 1 first, through to 10). The default icons are based on a “Star rating” of 1 to 5 (in increments of half a star) but may be replaced with alternative icons. All items assigned to preference rating will become a 'preferred item' and are displayed in order of ranking.
3.10.2 Unit Price
A column for price per Unit of Measure Unit called Unit Price displays when a supplier provides a Unit of Measure Quantity. This will normalise and display comparable pricing if suppliers package the same or similar items in different sales units (i.e. UOM's).
- If an item has a UOMQ the Unit Price will be calculated as Item Price (i.e. customer price per unit per the catalogue) / UOMQ, with the unit of measure being the UOMQ Unit.
- If an item does not have a UOMQ the unit price will be the same as the item price with the unit of measure being be the same as the item's UOM.
- Supplier A catalogue offers item 546: Disposable gloves for £10.80 / BOX (the UOMQ = 12 and the UOMQ Unit = EACH). The Unit Price = £10.80/12 = £0.90 EA.
- Supplier B catalogue offers item G56: Disposable gloves for £4.35 / PACK (the UOMQ = 5 and the UOMQ Unit = EACH). The Unit Price = £4.35/5 = £0.87 EA.
- Supplier B catalogue offers item G55: Disposable gloves for £1.02 / EACH. The Unit Price = £1.02 EA.
- Supplier C catalogue offers item 87592: Disposable gloves for £16.80 / BOX (the UOMQ = 4 and the UOMQ Unit = PACK). The Unit Price = £16.80/4 = £4.20 / PACK.
3.10.3 Item Detail
To find additional information regarding an item displayed in the search results screen, click on its Item no. This brings you to the Item Detail screen that gives more detailed information about the item. The following catalogue attributes are displayed:
- Specification (optional) - more information about the item may be provided by the supplier as a URL: maintained, for example, directly on the supplier's web site. Click the specification button to open this detail in a new browser window.
- Item Image (optional) - when provided by the supplier, an image or pictorial representation of the item will display.
- Item No - the supplier's unique product ID / sku code.
- Supplier - the name of the supplier.
- Category - the product classification code (e.g. UNSPSC) description and id.
- Item Description - the short description.
- Long Description (optional) - the long description for this item.
- GTIN (optional) - the Global Trade Identification Number or any other ancillary product number or sku code for this item.
- Mfg Part Number (optional) - the manufacturer part number for this item.
- Manufacturer (optional) - the name of the manufacturer.
- UOM - the Unit of Measure for this item.
- Unit of Measure Quantity (optional) - (also known as the 'Unit of Purchase') to define the quantity of one unit of measure when the unit of measure is not 'Each' and is able to be quantified.
For example, if the Unit of Measure (UOM) is 'Box' or 'Pallet', the Unit of Measure Quantity (UOMQ) will define how many single units or quantifiable items are contained within each box or pallet.- If one Box of paper contains 4 reams, the UOMQ will be 4;
- If one Pallet of plaster board contains 25 sheets, the UOMQ will be 25.
Unit Price. When an item has a UOMQ this is used to calculate the Unit Price (i.e. the price per unit of measure unit) in the Search Results and Item Comparison screens. This value is calculated as: Item Price (i.e. customer price per unit per the catalogue) / UOMQ and is displayed using the UOMQ Unit in order to normalise and display comparable pricing when suppliers package the same or similar items in different sales units.
- Unit of Measure Quantity Unit (optional) - (also known as the unit of purchase unit) to define the unit of one unit of measure quantity when a unit of measure quantity is defined.
For example if the Unit of Measure (UOM) is 'Box' or 'Pallet', and the Unit of Measure Quantity (UOMQ) defines how many single units or quantifiable items are contained within each box or pallet, the Unit of Measure Quantity Unit (UOMQU) will define the UOM for each of these units.- If one Box of paper contains 4 reams, the UOMQ will be 4 and the UOMQU will be 'Ream';
- If one Pallet of plaster board contains 25 sheets, the UOMQ will be 25 and the UOMQU will be 'Sheet'.
- Lead Time (optional) - the lead time for delivery in days.
- Contract ID - the contract number for the item.
- Control Regulation (optional) - a field to define if this item is a controlled substance or requires regulatory control (for example under UK COSHH legislation).
- Hazard Code (optional) - a hazard class (e.g. the United Nations regulation of Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG)) which may be any regionally defined hazardous and dangerous item classification or identification.
- GHS Hazard Warning (optional) - the hazardous warning code, description and pictogram, conforming to the United Nations Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals. This is the globally adopted system used by most national bodies, including the EU CLP Regulation (Classification, Labelling and Packaging) No 1272/2008 and COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) in the UK.
The following designated values may be used, each corresponding to a pictogram which is also displayed in the Search Results and Compare Items screens:- GHS01 - Explosive
- GHS02 - Flammable
- GHS03 - Oxidising
- GHS04 - Compressed Gas
- GHS05 - Corrosive
- GHS06 - Toxic
- GHS07 - Irritant
- GHS08 - Health Hazard
- GHS09 - Environmentally Damaging
- Catalogue - the name of the catalogue in which this item is located.
- Additional Taxes and Charges (optional) - a description of any special treatment required for this item.
- Item Start Date (optional) - this is the start date for an item and determines the date from which it may be purchased. The item will not display in catalogue search results until this date.
- Item End Date (optional) - this is the end date for an item and determines the date from which it may no longer be purchased. The item will not display in catalogue search results after this date.
If more information about the item is available, click on the Specification button in the item detail page. This will open another browser window that is often linked to a supplier or manufacturer web site. It may also open a text or .pdf document.
You can Add the item to your Shopping Basket from the Item Detail screen by entering the quantity in the ‘Add Quantity:’ box and clicking the Add button.
3.10.4 Catalogue User Fields
Catalogue Item User Fields are fields which are created by your system administrator to extend and expand catalogue content. When fields are both active and contain values, they will display at the foot of Item Detail screen.
Typically these user fields are created to allow suppliers to add catalogue information, for example: contract numbers or specific item attributes like sustainability information or colours and sizes.
Field values might also be defaulted into the product for the purposes of approval routing, for example: hazardous material reference numbers.
3.10.5 Minimum and Maximum Order Quantities
Minimum Order Quantity
If a minimum order quantity has been configured for an item, the quantity that can be selected for adding onto your basket will be validated. The minimum order quantity is the least or lower amount that can be ordered for an item. For example, the supplier has specified that delivering less than this quantity would not be economical.
A minimum quantity is calculated for each individual document (requisition or change order) and is applied to each unique catalogue / item id that is added. PECOS P2P does not calculate the minimum order quantity by reference to cumulative requisitions or an inventory calculation.
Maximum Order Quantity
If a maximum order quantity has been configured for an item, the quantity that can be selected for adding onto your basket will be validated. The maximum order quantity is the most or higher amount that can be ordered for an item. For example, your administrator has specified that purchasing more than this quantity may lead to excess stocks.
A maximum quantity is calculated for each individual document (requisition or change order) and is applied to each unique catalogue / item id that is added. PECOS P2P does not calculate the maximum order quantity by reference to cumulative requisitions or an inventory calculation.
When maximum or minimum order quantities are configured for an item, a warning message will appear at the top of the search results section when an invalid quantity is entered for adding to a shopping basket.
Minimum and maximum order quantities configured for an item are displayed beneath the quantity box in the Item Detail screen. When a minimum quantity is defined this will default into the ‘Add Quantity’ box.
3.10.6 Decimal Quantities
Decimal Quantities of up to six decimal places can be used in all Quantity fields if they have been enabled for your organisation. A warning message will be displayed if an invalid decimal quantity is entered.
3.10.7 Search Filter
Any set of search results can be further refined by using a sub search filter. For example, if your search returns 45 items, you may wish to sub search these items instead of scrolling through the 3 pages of results or undertaking a new search using different criteria.
- Type your additional search criteria in the field provided and click the ‘filter’ button.
- PECOS will use your sub search criteria to search your existing search results and update the list of items displayed.
- You can refine your search results further by performing more sub search filters if required.
- The criteria used for the original and any subsequent sub searches are displayed as links.
It is possible to return to previous sets of search results by clicking on one of these search criteria. This allows you redefine searches without having to perform a new search. This is especially useful if a sub search returns ‘no results found’.
3.10.8 Multi-Currency Search Results
For users who transact in multiple currencies an alternate currency view may be enabled for your organisation. If this is the case search results will have an extra column added, allowing you to convert items into another currency.
To see the conversions, select the currency you wish to view from the drop-down currency boxes in either the Price or Unit Price column. The currency conversion will automatically display under the catalogue prices.
The multi-currency view is for convenience / information only: it will not be saved against the requisition or purchase order; and does not represent the value displayed on the final invoice.
The Price and Unit Price remain the purchase price for the item and represents the price and currency contained in the supplier catalogue.
The converted prices represent a value derived from rates which are defined by your system administrator and may not be the same rate used by your organisation’s finance system. The currency conversions are set directly in PECOS P2P and may be changed as often as required.