If a Non-Catalogue item needs to be purchased from a supplier who does not exist in the PECOS P2P supplier database it can be added through the ‘User-Defined Supplier’ form whilst editing a requisition. The ‘user defined’ means of supplier entry is designed to enable users and approvers to quickly add a new ad-hoc supplier profile, to expedite the movement of documents through the procurement and approval process.

Note that you may not have access to this functionality through your user permissions. 

When a supplier is created in this way, their profile will only contain the minimum amount of information required to expedite the order and will require editing by a system administrator to complete the setup. Due to the nature of these profiles therefore, in many organisations the creation of suppliers is only performed by an administrator in the PECOS P2P administration module.
Create a User Defined Supplier
Edit a User Defined Supplier

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