A Non-Catalogue item is a line on a requisition or order that has not been added from an electronically held PECOS P2P catalogue or through a PunchOut catalogue or Market Place site. It is added by the requisitioner as a free text item and is therefore not a pre-approved contract item for purchase.

The minimum requirement for a Non-Catalogue item is that it must have a description. The following information, some of which is mandatory for an order to be placed, might be missing and may require updating:

  • Supplier Name (mandatory)
  • Item Price
  • Item Number
  • Manufacturer Part Number
  • Quantity (default will be one)
  • Unit of Measure
  • Product Category Code
  • Description

A document that contains an item from an ‘Unknown’ supplier (i.e. a supplier has not been assigned) CANNOT be approved – this information is mandatory before the document can move forwards in the approval process.

All approval plans should be written to require requisitions and order requests that contain such an item to be routed for approval. Approval is usually performed by a purchasing department or procurement professional who will complete the line after sourcing the item being requested.

Suppliers assigned to Non-Catalogue items may also have been created by the requisitioner as a ‘User Defined Supplier’. If this is the case, it should be the responsibility of the approver to audit these supplier details.

The audit trail message and email notification message will usually indicate that a document has been routed because it contains Non-Catalogue items.

As an approver, you should only update Non-Catalogue items during the approval process if it is your responsibility to do so. (A document may have been routed to you for a different reason and may subsequently go to the responsible person.)

Note. You must have rights to Non-Catalogue items in your user profile to perform updates to these items.

Note. You must have rights to User Defined Suppliers in your user profile to perform updates to these supplier types.

8.1 Identifying Non-Catalogue Items

Access documents as usual from either your Home Page, the To Do list or the attachment contained in the approval notification email message (see Accessing Approval Documents).

A Non-Catalogue item is identifiable by the ‘Non-Catalogue’ item type assigned to it by PECOS P2P. Depending on the detail entered by the requisitioner, it may also often have no item number, price or supplier assigned to it.

From the ‘Approval Summary’ screen review the Non-Catalogue item(s) and decide what course of action you need to take. Not all of these item types will need updating if the requisitioner has entered all the correct information and you want to give your approval without making changes.

Editing Non-Catalogue Items

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