3.3 Approval Options
Approval options vary depending on the document being approved.
Requisitions and Orders
The decision options available during the approval of requisitions, orders and change orders include:
a) Click ‘Approve’ to indicate your approval and move the document forwards in the approval plan. The document will be removed from your To Do list and the audit trail updated.
b) Click ‘Return to Requisitioner’ to indicate that you DO NOT approve the content of the document and return it to the requisitioner. You must enter a reason for the return in the ‘Comments/Feedback’ box which will be included in an email sent to the requisitioner informing them of your decision. The document will be removed from your To Do list and the audit trail updated.
c) Click ‘Edit’ to open the document in ‘approval edit mode’ and undertake changes. The changes available for you to make will depend on the permissions granted to this task in the approval plan. All editing activities will be recorded in the audit trail. After editing and saving you will need to make one of three further decisions:
- Approve. Move the edited document forwards in the approval plan. The document will be removed from your To Do list and the audit trail updated.
- Return. Return the edited document to the requisitioner. The document will be removed from your To Do list and the audit trail updated.
- Back. Save the edits and return to your main To Do selections. The document will be retained in your To Do list.
d) Click the ‘Cancel Requisition’ or 'Cancel Order Request buttons to neither approve nor return the document but cancel it in the approval process. An order will not be created or transmitted and no further processing will be allowed. The document will be removed from your To Do list and the audit trail updated.
The options available during the approval of an invoice are:
a) Click ‘Approve’ to indicate your approval and move the invoice forwards in the approval plan. The invoice will be removed from your To Do list and the audit trail updated.
b) Click 'Force Settle’ to approve all invoice exceptions and update the invoice status to ‘force settled’. You must enter force settlement reasons in the comments/feedback box. The invoice will REMAIN in your To Do list and the audit trail will be updated. After force settlement you must decide on a further course of action:
- Approve. Move the force settled document forwards in the approval plan. The document will be removed from your To Do list and the audit trail updated.
- Return. Return the edited document to the requisitioner or Invoicer. The document will be removed from your To Do list and the audit trail updated.
- Back. Save the edits and return to your main To Do selections. The document will be retained in your To Do list.
Note that even though the invoice is force settled, it will not be made available for payment until it has been fully approved.
c) Click ‘Deactivate’ to deactivate the invoice. The invoice will be removed from your To Do list and move forwards in the approval plan. The audit trail will be updated.
d) Click ‘Return to Requisitioner’ to indicate that you DO NOT approve the content of the document and return it to the designated requisitioner. You must enter a reason for the return in the ‘Comments/Feedback’ box which will be included in an email sent to the requisitioner informing them of your decision. The document will be removed from your To Do list and the audit trail updated.
e) Click ‘Return to Invoicer’ to indicate that you DO NOT approve the content of the document and return it to the user who processed the invoice. You must enter a reason for the return in the ‘Comments/Feedback’ box which will be included in an email sent to the invoicer informing them of your decision. The document will be removed from your To Do list and the audit trail updated.
f) Click ‘Edit’ to open the document in ‘edit invoice’ mode and undertake changes. The changes available for you to make will depend on the permissions granted to this task in the approval plan. All editing activities will be recorded in the audit trail. After editing and saving you will need to make one of four further decisions:
- Approve. Move the edited document forwards in the approval plan. The document will be removed from your To Do list and the audit trail updated.
- Force Settle. Force settle the invoice (see option b above).
- Return. Return the edited document to the requisitioner or invoicer. The document will be removed from your To Do list and the audit trail updated.
- Back. Save the edits and return to your main To Do selections. The document will be retained in your To Do list.
The options available during the routing of receipts are:
a) Click 'Complete' to indicate that your review or update is complete. The receipt will move forwards in the approval plan. The receipt will be removed from your To Do list and the audit trail updated.
b) Click 'Update Receipt' to open the Edit Receipt screen where receipt details can be updated. The changes available for you to make will depend on the permissions granted to this task in the approval plan. All editing activities will be recorded in the audit trail. After editing and saving you will need to make one of the following decisions:
- Complete. Move the edited document forwards in the approval plan. The document will be removed from your To Do list and the audit trail updated.
- Back. Save the changes and return to your main To Do selections. The document will be retained in your To Do list for further review and completion at a later date.
c) Print Internal Delivery Note. Click if you wish to print a delivery note for the onward delivery of items in this order. The document will be generated from the purchase order detail and rendered as a PDF. It contains some pre-printed order header and line detail but requires manual completion of dispatch and delivery details.