7.8 Return to Requisitioner
If after reviewing the invoice you do not wish to approve it but return it to the requisitioner with a comment, you must click the ‘Return To Requisitioner’ button.
An invoice that is returned does not continue through the approval plan until the user to whom it is returned resubmits it. Returned invoices may also be edited or cancelled.
The requisitioner may not be the same person as the invoicer. For system generated orders, the requisitioner will be the user who raised the original requisition and for a manual invoice it will be the same person who raised the invoice, unless it was manually overridden at the time of creation. The name of the requisitioner is displayed in the Order Summary in the Approval Summary Screen.
Return comments must be entered in the 'Comments/Feedback' box. If you fail to enter return comments an error message will be displayed.
The following actions will occur when an invoice is returned:
- The invoice will be removed from your To Do list.
- An email will be sent to the requisitioner informing them of your action.
- The invoice will appear in the ‘Returned Invoices’ section of the Requisitioner’s To Do list.
- The order audit trail will be updated with the action, including the comment entered.
- The invoice settlement status will be updated to ‘Returned to requisitioner’.
You may also return the invoice to the requisitioner after performing editing activities.