The processing of invoices in PECOS P2P is part of the financial settlement stage of the procurement cycle and is optionally undertaken in the P2P. Your organisation may elect to extract an interface that contains all order and receipt information and process invoices directly in your financial management system. Moreover, where PECOS P2P is used for invoice processing, the approval routing of these documents is entirely optional.

Invoices can be processed in a number of ways: manual entry of paper invoices through the invoice entry screen; uploaded by you using the cXML bulk upload interface; sent electronically by suppliers using the cXML interface; and received automatically through the Elcom eInvoicing module.

When an invoice is processed in PECOS P2P the system will look for an Invoice Settlement Plan assigned to the user (i.e. the requisitioner) and process the invoice through it in exactly the same way as requisitions and orders are processed. PECOS P2P will ascertain if approval is necessary based on the criteria of each plan task and the content of the invoice and will automatically work out who needs to approve it by reference to the owner of each approval task in the user’s approval group. Approval is usually required for invoice matching exceptions and when it is, the system sends out a configurable email message to notify the approver that an approval action is necessary.

Note that the user who creates the invoice (i.e. the ‘Invoicer’) is unlikely to be the same person as the requisitioner. Approval routing is based on the requisitioner’s approval rules (i.e. the invoice settlement plan assigned to the requisitioner) and not those of the Invoicer.
Open Invoices
Review Invoices
Approve Invoices
Edit Invoices
Force Settle
Deactivate Invoices
Return to Invoicer
Return to Requisitioner

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