21. Users
Last modified by Admin User on 2023/06/30 10:27
Every user who has a role within the procurement process within PECOS P2P must have a user profile. Each user profile can be configured differently according to the rights and responsibilities of the user. User types can be broadly broken down into the following categories:
- Buyers who create their own requisitions.
- Buyers who create requisitions on behalf of others.
- Senior purchasing professionals who create and place contract orders.
- Managers and Approvers who approve requisitions, orders or invoices.
- Senior members of staff who both buy (create requisitions) and approve.
- Goods-in staff who receive product and receipt orders.
- Accounts staff who process invoices.
- Senior accounts staff who run financial matching and export payment data.
- Administrators who maintain and configure PECOS P2P.
- Senior Managers who run procurement reports.
Within PECOS P2P users may be created with all or any combination of roles and responsibilities.
Create a New User Profile
Editing a User
Resetting User Passwords
Copying a User Profile