Administration Alerts are designed to generate an alert when administration data is changed under edit. Currently an alert is generated when Supplier Financial Information is changed. As with all other notification messages, the alert takes the form of a formatted eMail to be sent to a specified recipient, triggered when any supplier profile Financial Information field is updated and saved by any user, manually through the UI. (Note: not via a bulk load or through cXML integration.)

The alert eMail message is configured in the **Admin Alerts** tab.

Fields for the entry of the eMail Recipient are provided and may be either:
* **User**: A PECOS P2P user selected from a user search; or
* **Email**: An external recipient may be selected. Two text boxes are provided for completion: 'eMail Address:' and 'Recipient Name:'.

* **Subject Text**: Enter text to appear in the eMail subject header.
* **Body Text**: Enter text to appear in the eMail body.

The following **Keywords** can be used:
<%Action%> = The action performed on the updated field (i.e. Delete or Modify).
<%Administrator%> = The name of the administrator who made the change.
<%Date%> = The date and time the field was updated.
<%Field_Name%> = The name of the field that has been updated.
<%Object_Description%> = The description or name of the object that has been updated (i.e. in this case the name of the supplier).
<%Object_Type%> = The object that has been updated. (i.e. currently it will always be 'Suppliers').
<%Organization%> = The organisation unit name that the object belongs to.

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