18. Approval Plans
An Approval Plan is set up to define the path a requisition, order, change order, receipt or invoice takes for approval. Approval plans are synonymously known as ‘Workflows’ since they determine the flow of a buyer’s work through the P2P.
A plan principally routes documents to users or roles for approval based on configurable criteria but can also be configured to send eMail notification messages to an internal user or external party, manage budgets, process price quote processes or trigger an external process.
Each approval plan is made up of:
- Fixed header information: Type (see Plan Types), Name, Description, Master or Sub Plan identifier (see Master and Sub Plans) and an Organisational Assignment for administration purposes.
- Editable Tasks: The configurable content of plan consisting of an activity, an activity owner and the criteria governing the validity of the activity (see Plan Tasks).
Plan Types
Plan Tasks
Master and Sub Plans
Creating Approval Plans
Changing Approval Plans
Copying Approval Plans
One Step Approval
Change Order Plans
Invoice Settlement Approval Plans
Real Time Price Checking
Workflow Admin Report